Saturday, July 7, 2012


Being gone the entire month of May put of bit of a crimp in my gardening this year. I did get a few things in as soon as possible after we got back, but pretty much missed out on the salad greens. There are herbs, lots of carrots (got those in before we left at the end of April), some sunflowers and cosmos that Noah helped me plant, a few varieties of heirloom tomatoes that I bought as transplants about one day after we got home at the end of May, and a really sad looking bush bean bed.

7 Garden 1
The first sunflower opened today.

7 Garden 2
Thyme and lavender.

7 Garden 3
Cherry tomato.

7 Garden 5A wee bit of salad greens. Most of it bolted immediately in the heat.

7 Garden 6
This is the bean bed. We used seeds from previous years and germination was very poor. I think those tall things are weeds. They looked very much like beans when they sprouted, so neatly in a row, that I left them. And now I don't want to pull them out because the Japanese beetles (HATE those things) seem drawn to them. So, I figure, better for them to be eating the weeds than my beans. The neighbors are probably wondering what kind of new-fangled vegetables I am growing.

7 Garden 7
Basil, which I have been battling the Japanese beetles for. I will probably have to harvest soon or risk losing all of it to the nasty little critters.

7 Ella in Garden
Miss Ella loves sprinting in circles around the (fenced off) garden. Amazingly, when I was outside taking these pictures, it seemed that the temperature was dropping. I am crossing my fingers that this heatwave is finally ending.

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