(Translated by: Dad)
What can you find at your local grocers? The essentials--bread, milk, eggs? On a beautiful holiday weekend like this, some will find burgers, brats, and their favorite chips. Today, we found Mick, the Budweiser Clydesdale! As Mom got ready for work, me and Dad took a trip to visit him.
Mick arrived in a specialized semi all to himself, as his buddies rested elsewhere. He had two designated drivers who did their best to maneuver the semi through the already over crowded parking lot. Mick is in the area to trot in a Memorial Day parade tomorrow. He came all the way from St. Louis, Missouri just to say 'hello.' He's 8 years old and quite the handsome fella.
Dad and I waited patiently as he stepped out of the truck and clip-clopped his way over to the grocery store's entrance to be a greeter. He drew a lot of attention and his coat was extra shiny in the sunlight. He was very friendly and let all of the children who came to see him, pet him.

Thanks for the visit, Mick! Have fun in the parade tomorrow. Bye bye.
Thanks for the sharing your special adventure with us! It sounds like you and Dad had a perfect trip to the Shaugsh store!