The warm weather we have had the past few days has given me a very bad case of spring fever. I have ordered vegetable, herb and flower seeds, and am busy planning what seedlings to start when. Last summer I kept a few tomatoes in some containers, but I hope to go bigger this summer with a full vegetable garden. This will be my first garden and it is sure to be a learning experience. A visit to
Bolz Conservatory with Grandma and Grandpa S. made me even more anxious to get my fingers in the dirt.

It was
very warm inside the Conservatory, and so steamy that it took about 10 minutes for the camera lens to warm up enough so that I could take pictures without it fogging up.

Noah had fun walking up and down the paths and peering at the koi from the bridges over the little stream. He especially liked watching the waterfall. I think he would have joined the koi for a bath if we would have let him!

We hope Grandma and Grandpa enjoyed their visit as much as we enjoyed their company. Noah always loves having a fresh audience to charm with his cute little antics and new arms to carry him around. Now back to the garden planning and dreaming of spring...
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