Two days of above freezing temperatures has led to lots of melting snow and ice. And all the melting has led to lots and
lots of mud at the stable. The hill that leads up to Winston's pasture was a slippery, muddy mess today, but I climbed it anyway...with 25 lbs of toddler on my back! The chickens were oblivious to the mess and actually seemed to be enjoying pecking around in the mud and muck.

After a long and muddy hike to the far end of the pasture, we found another sign that spring is not too far off... Our fuzzy,
wuzzy shedding horse!

Back at the barn, Noah watched patiently from his sled as I gave Winston a good grooming. A not-so-patient Winston thought Noah was hiding carrots in his puffy snowsuit.

This weather is such a tease! I am sure next week will be bitter cold and we will get 2 feet of snow. Good thing we are enjoying it while we can.
I love that last photo, so sweet!