To bring 2008 to an end, I was going to make a list of my favorite things and moments of the past year. However, after reflecting, I realized that we need to not only acknowledge the moments that made us laugh, but also the moments that made us cry, for without dark, there can be no light. Most of the first months of 2008 are a blur due to extreme sleep deprivation. We experienced many firsts as a family with a new baby. First smiles and first (and second and third) bouts of colic. First laughs and first teething pains. First steps and first colds. Curtis asked if I was going to share a picture of me holding Noah in the middle of the night with a blow dryer (one of the only things that would stop the screaming) as that is how a good portion of our first months with him were spent. However, I prefer to let those times fade in my memory and share his bright, shining smile instead. For even when he is moody and whining, Noah has a way of lighting up the room and my heart with his mischievous grin.

In early summer, our quiet family's strength was tested when Curtis became ill, resulting in him spending his first Father's Day in the hospital. During the time that Curtis was hospitalized, we received much love and support from our family for which we were very grateful. We realized that when you have your family and health, you really do have everything, and were so happy when at last, he returned home to us almost 3 weeks later.

Through all the ups and downs of the past year, what we will remember most of all is the great joy that new life brings. We view the world differently now, as if seeing it again for the first time through Noah's bright blue eyes. We look forward to the New Year, and hope that it will bring much health and happiness to our family and yours.

Our time with the horses had some ups and downs this year as well. Who knew that you could catch, groom and lunge a horse, all with a baby sleeping on your back? It was bittersweet when we made the decision to sell Solomon. Though we loved him as part of our family, we just did not have the time to give both him and Winston the attention they both deserved. Solomon still lives in the same pasture with Winston, but now has a loving and doting new owner who is able give him the attention that he both craves and deserves.

Happy New Year!
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