Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pile O' Leaves

Today was a sunny, crisp, fall day. It seems we have had very few of those sorts of days this fall, sprinkled amongst many cold, rainy, gloomy days. Those gloomy days have allowed me plently of time to work on my 'knitting/sewing for baby' list, but not much time for playing outside. Noah and I took advantage of today's beautiful weather by going for a walk to a nearby park so he could play in some leaves, as we don't have any trees in our yard mature enough to produce a pile large enough to actually play in. There we found a big pile ready to be jumped into!

As it turns out, Noah wasn't too interested in playing in the leaves. After it was clear that he was not going to move beyond a few tentative kicks around the edges of the leaf pile, I figured he just needed some encouragement and picked him up and plopped him down in the middle of the pile. He was not too thrilled. He spent a good amount of time trying to figure out how to get up without actually having to touch the wet leaves. Sometimes, he really is his father's son.

He did eventually make it out of the pile. And the first thing he did when we got home was drag a stool over to the sink to wash his hands.

He is probably hoping for more cold, gloomy days...


1 comment:

  1. Curtis loved playing in the piles of leaves when he was a little boy!!! It was the sandbox that he was not too fond of!!!!
