Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Crafting On Firsts

Some exciting news for our growing family, presented by Noah (with captions by me)...

It is a GIRL! Noah calls her "Our Baby", which I love. Not "Mommy's baby" or "Mommy and Daddy's baby" but OUR baby.  And so there is girly crafting going on in this house for the first time, and lots of it. I actually made this little sweater before we found out the gender, but when paired with a simple little dress it instantly became hers.

In addition to the sweater, I have been cranking out wool diaper covers in cream and lilac hues. While I am not a fan of a lot of pink, I do love vintage looking floral prints. Thanks to my Mom (and newly appointed 'sewing assistant' aka seam ripper) visiting this past week, I had time to sew these sweet little peasant blouses and many burp cloths. When she wasn't helping me decipher sewing patterns, she spent countless hours reading with the boys, playing with playdough, and 'shopping' in their store, allowing me to make a small dent in my sewing list. Sewing is not my forte, as evidenced by the fact that I cut the fabric for these blouses the wrong way. You would think I would have noticed all those birds falling off their branches! At least it will look correct to me when I am cradling her in my left arm. Lesson learned...

I am short on words this morning, and currently being beckoned by a certain boy to come inspect his knight's castle. Happy crafting!


  1. Oh my goodness - congrats!!So much fun creating for the other side, isn't it? After having two girls and then a boy I couldn't waitti try out "boy crafts". I love all the fabric you are using for her. I can't wait until she shows her sweet face in this space <3

  2. Congratulations!!! Such sweet clothes!!

  3. My my, you have been busy. I absolutely love the drawing. And the sweater is nothing short of precious. Don't you worry about those birds. Your creations and photos are beautiful. So glad to have found your blog!

  4. That's the wonderful thing about dressing girls-- any color will do! Congratulations. Again, beautiful photography!

  5. Hello,

    Lovely sweater.. is there a pattern I can ck out ? same for the kids hat & the crochet aruond the blanket.......... all lovely projects.
